Power Matters Conference debuts in Omaha Oct. 14

Professional women in energy meet to discuss the value of diverse fuel resources


Today’s energy industry is abuzz with debate over how to address climate change, increase the use of wind and solar, help customers generate their own electricity, and continue to provide enough power to keep industries and traffic lights operating twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

While energy issues are important to men and women alike, women are playing a strategic role in the conversations. Some of these women will be featured at an upcoming conference on Oct. 14 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Omaha.

Sponsored by the Association of Women in Energy, a national organization for professional women, the Power Matters Conference will debut with informational sessions about choices and challenges facing various fuel resources in the Midwest. Experts in the areas of renewables, nuclear, coal, the energy markets, environmental regulation and organizational leadership will headline the event. Speakers include executives from Exelon, Tenaska, The Energy Authority, Department of Energy, American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity and the American Public Power Association. An agenda and registration information can be found at www.awenergy.org.

“What is the future of coal and nuclear in producing electricity? What role does distributed generation play? How do regional markets work as our energy resources change? These are topics of interest to private and public energy businesses throughout the Midwest,” said AWE President Becky Motal. “Regardless the fuel source, those who generate, regulate, and market it have shared interest in how it affects our economy and our respective industries. The Power Matters Conference gives women and men the opportunity to gain knowledge on a broad spectrum of energy issues from recognized leaders shaping the energy debate.”

Rounding out the conference is motivational speaker Holly Hoffman, finalist in Season 21 of Survivor. Utility sponsors of the event include the Nebraska Public Power District, The Energy Authority and Tenaska Marketing Ventures. Other businesses can sponsor the event at www.awenergy.org .

“Power matters in this country,” said Motal. “AWE wants conference attendees to walk away inspired and to participate in the dialogue.”


Jeanne Schieffer
Corporate Communications & PR Manager
Nebraska Public Power District

Becky Motal
Association of Women in Energy

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